Thursday, March 18, 2010

Appearance in Blue Plz!

He's angry, bitchy and cynical. Funny and brilliant according to some people, too self assured and just annoying if you ask others. I think everyone could agree on "dedicated".

Yes, I'm talking about TotalBiscuit, the host of the WoW podcast Blue Plz!, which is one of the oldest shows around, with a huge audience and a community of its own. I'm a big fan myself, since it combines passion with good content, and consequently Blue Plz! got the Pink Pigtail Inn award for the best podcast in 2009.

Recently I received a letter from TotalBiscuit where he asked me for an interview. He's going to make a series where he presents people who participate in the community, and I would be one of those.

Do I need to say I was flattered? I mean REALLY flattered. Me? In Blue Plz!? You're kidding me. Squee! It's like watching a rock concert with your favorite band and suddenly they put the spotlight on you of all people in the crowd, asking you to come up on the stage and sing along for a while. It's unreal.

In the last show TotalBiscuit announced the upcoming interview, calling The Pink Pigtail Inn a blog that "doesn't suck horribly", or something in those lines. And that, my friends, is true recognition. He's not easily pleased. Not at all. And that's also something I approve of. I'm not a six year old, showing my drawings for grandmother, expecting standing ovations no matter what. TotalBiscuit is brutally honest, but this also means that he can be trusted. If he says you don't suck, you probably don't.

I might be jinxing this, announcing this appearance in advance. But provided that nothing goes wrong, you can listen to the show this Friday, March 19. The streamed version, which also includes some music, will start at 8 pm GMT, which is 9 pm European server time or 3 PM EST time in US. You can follow the show at

If you want to listen to it, but can't make it for the show, you can also download the mp3 file, which normally is available at the same website as the show the next following day


Klepsacovic said...


Zekta Chan said...

Will be the Mp3-fan that day :)

TheScribe said...

Just found your blog yesterday. Most enjoyable. I write from time to time myself, mostly books, some short storys. I think it would be fun doing one of there blogs now and again. I will look forward to hearing you on the podcast If I can find it.

Best wishes

The scribe.

Dwism said...

Go you!
If he gets too uppity (btw since our last talk I've made sure to listen to the show), just explain to him why you think he's wrong... in Swedish.

My opinion -thruthfully - is that he is a motivated and honest guy, but doesn't really know alot about the game, and has a somewhat delusional visions of grandure, about just how important Blizz regard him. - That or he sucks at Irony.

Anyways It's a fun listen, and I will look very much forward to hearing you set him in place ;)

blueberrytotem said...

Go you gnome! (Or is it druid now?)

Gratz Larísa, BluePlz is great show and I will probably tune this one live instead of downloading to my mp3 player for laters :)

Issy said...

That is great! :) I will do my best to tune in :)

Arceopteryx said...

Grats on that one! :D

Definatly gonna listen in on that interview. It's well deserved that you are getting on that podcast.

You are in my opinion one of the best, if not the best blogger out there.

What's my main Again? said...


Nah that is just his style. He has been doing the show off and on since 2005. Half the stuff he says I don't agree with but I still love listening to him.

I was excited when he announced his guest speaker last friday... have fun Larisa!

Josh said...


Imperial said...

Awesome! Can't wait to hear it!

Hatch said...

Grats! I "squee'd" too when I heard the announcement while listening to the podcast over the weekend. Hopefully work will be slow and I can tune in to the live broadcast on my phone and heckle him from the chatroom to keep him off-balance for ya. I'm looking forward to it, break a leg!

Okrane S. said...

no idea who that guy is, I just play the game to pwn the hords lol...

but I guess people need to make idols in just about every life aspect out there, including for a silly game.

a sign of insecurity, in my humble opinion.

TotalBiscuit said...

"a sign of insecurity, in my humble opinion."

A sign of humanity more like it. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the robots in my audience as well, BEEP BOOP EMOTION NOT COMPUTE

Gazimoff said...

Listening to his podcast now after hearing this news. Can't stop laughing :)

Arcsis said...

Yay! I was listening to the last episode of Blu Plz, & was so excited to hear that you'll be on the show! (I was also all SQUEE!, but I was at work with no one to tell :( )TB does an amazing job & I'm glad he thinks that you do as well.

I can't wait!

Anhava said...

Congrats and good luck on the appearance!

Bristal said...

Grats, Larissa! You've recommended the Blue Plz Podcast before, but I guess it's time to really check it out. Looking forward to hearing your voice...

Chev said...

Have subscribed to the Blue Plz podcast as a result of reading this post, and listened to the latest episode in the car just now. See, your involvement is benefiting TB already!

Not a bad podcast, he goes on a bit sometimes and gets distracted by other things going on while recording it (IRC? web chat? streaming video feed?) but I think it's a keeper.

The smile factor is pretty high. And lord knows there are some crap WoW podcasts out there so the bar is set pretty low.

Looking forward to your guest appearance! No pressure.

- Chev

Larísa said...

@All: thanks for the kind words, greetings and shoutouts!

Just to make it clear: the interview isn't a live interview, since I couldn't arrange that for real life reasons. Instead it was recorded in the middle of the night between Thursday and Friday.
So I'm afraid you can't help me out very much from the chat room Hatch! Anyway I don't think it was needed, since he was actually far more kind, friendly and considerate than you might expect.

As far as I can tell the interview went OK. At least I didn't just go mute due to being nervous and shy. Basically I rambled on about whatever I came to think of, as I tend to, do until Totalbiscuit finally, after some tremendous effort managed to make me shut up. All in all I think the interview lasted for about 20 minutes.

If nothing else I'm glad that I apparently managed to point a few more people to Blue Plz! thanks to this event. I hope you'll be as entertained by it as I am and keep listening to it.

Dwism said...

Now is the time for you to drop hints about it :)

I'll still be listening in live (maybe even while playing in SAN)

Hope to catch you there for that promised dungeon crawl!

Larísa said...

@Dwism: absolutely. I'll be online late tonight and I definitely hope we can kill some monsters together!

TotalBiscuit said...

Well we got a good 20 min interview, then a ton of b-roll footage which I'll also release after the fact. Larisa needs to start her own podcast.

Akara Ari said...


But then you'd have compemetition!

And she's a swedish woman....

so maybe no competition...

but....swedish woman?


Stompalina said...

Amazing interview. I love how you said a blog is like a bar! Sometimes the bar is full, sometimes it isn't. Either way the conversations are great!

Ritsuka said...

Great show sweetie and i love your pub save me a spot by the fire <3

gnomeaggedon said...

Sorry I couldn't be there... I intended to come but my alarm clock, kitten and child all failed to wake me at 7am (after a long night of playing).

I was thinking of you and I will be downloading as soon at it appears in iTunes.

Anonymous said...

hi, I've never read your site before, but I really loved your interview, and I'm enjoying reading your site now. If you did a podcast, I'd definitely listen

Larísa said...

& Ritsuka: thank you! I didn't quite enjoy listening to myself when the mp3 file was up, but I suppose that's kind of natural. I'm glad you liked it at least.

@Gnome: you're welcome to listen to the recording, it's up now.

: wow, a new reader! Welcome! I'm glad you made the effort to come here and check it out yourself.

Chev said...

Am now a Blue Plz listener and have caught up on a few back-episodes. Quite interested in the business model / sponsorship program that TotalBiscuit is launching:

My favourite part of the interview was where Larísa said that she's completely honest in her blog posts, and TB said something like, 'that never happens'.

But this place seems to be the exception to the rule, happily!

gnomeaggedon said...

The interview was excellent... great job as always!

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