Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1 Giggles

Has anyone else had a look at your Armory picture today? I had to look twice before I realized that this creature actually was supposed to be Larísa.

I’m not entirely sure if this also is a part of April Fool’s event, but I think they’ve also done something to the list of recent activities. As we were doing ICC 10 last night, I decided that a cloak might be good to have in case I’d change specs, so I greeded. But according to Armory this was “ninjaed”. And the achivements we got (quite a few by the way – the 10 percent buff makes a significant difference to be honest), are described as “cheesed”.

It’s just small details, a prank by Blizzard, but it put a smile on my face. Thanks for that! My biggest laugh so far though this day is the joint joke by Paragon and Premonition. It’s brilliant.


Rem said...

Lesson learned from my own armory: Tuskarr look awesome in tank plate! :D

gnomeaggedon said...

Ninjaed [Lich Wrappings].

Shame Larisa.. shame

Angelya said...

Oh man, I would love to be a Tuskarr Druid xD

blueberrytotem said...

Oh yay!

Wanted to play Tuskarr since I first met them and their lovable fish totems! Now I am one! (on armory anyways)! :D

evilbeards said...

Haha! That's brilliant, my guy looks very impressive as Tuskarr ;)


Ratshag said...


gnomeaggedon said...

No No... I'm Trollaggedon these days...

Archangel said...

You're a tuskar in that picture :) And you have Fishing and...Fishing as primary professions 450/450 :D Neat. What are the bonuses ?

Issy said...

Brilliant! Thanks for pointing this out.. I love Tuskarr Ishani the ninja :D

Stabs said...

"Ninjaed [Lich Wrappings]. Mar 31, 2010"

Grats on the wrappings!

Len said...

Hah, damn I wish they had changed everyone's in-game characters to Tuskarr's too!

Anonymous said...

Uhmmm, I like better than my human form - although the bulging of my frostweave tunic is hitting a little too close to home.


Larísa said...

: I never noticed the double fishing professions. That's wonderful!

@Len: oh yeah, it would be fun to be tuskarr in game for a night as well. I guess it would take them a little bit too much of work to make it happen though...

Kurnak said...

My favourite is the new char rating system

SirFWALGMan said...

I think the Ninja thing and cheesed thing might be random.. I got Ninjaed [Emblem of Triumph] and Cheesed the achievement Shutout (10 player) for 10 points. Not sure what buffs or things you can use to cheese that unless it was because we did not kill the heart till end or left the towers up? No idea.

Zekta Chan said...

I notice there is a dialog at the background when I load your armory page...

I did some investigation and got a screenshot on that

Guess you'll be interested...

Markus said...

Tuskarr Mage! Whoo hoo! What a great toon that would be. lol