Monday, November 30, 2009

Incoming exciting guest post

Matticus. Who doesn't know about Matticus? He's one of the pillars of the WoW community, not only through his own blog, but also as a regular columnist at Ever since I first stumbled upon his blog, I've been a regular reader - even though I don't even have any max-leveled character that can heal.

You see, World of Matticus isn't just a blog for healers; many of the posts are quite enjoyable for non-healers as well. Personally I can't help admiring his appetite for challenges and his philosophy of learning by doing, be it in his creation of a raiding guild or in his writers competition where he was looking for new writers. Matticus isn't just a follower who does what every other blogger does. He thinks in new lines and he keeps aiming for daring goals.

A couple of days ago he announced that it was time for another of those experiments. In a post with the headline "Want a Free Guest Post?", Matticus offered his services to the blogging community.

"You bloggers work hard. Wouldn’t you like a day off from all the thinking and the writing? Here’s your chance. I am willing to write you one guest post on any topic of your choice."

The 20 first requests were promised to get an article for free, written by Matticus himself.

20 guest posts. Posts you're not writing for your own blog, but for other people's blogs, while your blog still is waiting for fresh content. I get tired of the very thought of it. It's hard enough to find time for my ordinary writing, to find up topics and to answer to all comments. But Matticus isn't Larísa. He thought he would get a spark of inspiration out of this drive, so who am I to question it? I can't say anything but "yes please!".

So I sent a few suggestions of topics to write about to Matticus, in the hope that one of those would suit him. Considering the competition among other hungry bloggers, I expected that my chances to actually get one of the promised texts were small, not to say non-existent. But lo and behold! 24 hours after my first e-mail, I had a brand spanking new guest post by Matticus waiting in my e-mail box.

Of course it will be posted here, as the intention was from the beginning, but I've decided to keep you hanging a little bit longer and save it until tomorrow. All I will tell you for now is that it will reveal quite a few things that you didn't know about Matticus. You all know what effect a comfortable armchair, a cozy fire and a strong beverage can have on you, especially when you're surrounded by the kindhearted visitors of the PPI. It loosens your tongue.

Curious? Come back in 24 hours and Matticus will share his best protected secrets with you, here at the inn.

Do I need to tell you I'm excited?


Kromus said...

Fantastic! I'm really glad for you :D

And yeah, I'm not primarily a healer, but I love healing- and when blogs are so well written sometimes its enjoyable to read about stuff you can't even relate to (which I find with a few PvP articles I read).

Great news Larisa, I anticipate it!

Matticus said...

What a tease.

Avonar said...

Cool, looking forward to it!

Gevlon said...

"You bloggers work hard. Wouldn’t you like a day off from all the thinking and the writing? Here’s your chance. I am willing to write you one guest post on any topic of your choice."

"You bloggers work hard and created an audience with this work. I want to drive these people to my blog. I am willing to place an advertisement for my blog on yours, and you'll even feel honored for getting my advertisement"

He is just like Markco, just not that stupid.

Larísa said...

@Gevlon: oh, my dear, grumpy old goblin. I knew you would say something like that!

And yeah, in one way you could say that Matticus gets the word out about his blog in this manner - but to be honest I don't think there are many of the readers of the PPI who haven't heard about him before.

But to be honest, I think it's rather the opposite way. I wouldn't be surprised if Matticus linked from his own blog to the guest posts he has written, as a service to his readers. And that would certainly drive traffic to the PPI. Free advertising.

But trust me, I haven't thought in either way about this. I don't have any incentive to maximise traffic to either his blog or mine. Like you I'm not in this for business or for big numbers. I'm in it for my love for WoW, my urge for writing and for the enjoyment I find in the interaction with the community through our commenting and our blogging.

I suggested Matticus to write a guest post for the PPI because I think he's a good writer and because everyone likes a little surprise every now and then, a change from the daily routine. The settig of the PPI - a virtual pub - is perfect for guest posting, letting the guests raise their voices. It's a pity it doesn't happen more often.

As a matter if fact I'd absolutely love to have a guest post from you Gevlon! Do you have something on mind that doesn't quite fit into the theme of your blog, but you think would suit the PPI readers? I would love to hear it! Please stand up from your armchair, put yourself on a soapbox and let the inn visitors hear what you have on your mind!

If it would mean that your blog would be promoted at the same time, the better! I've marketed your blog many times before, at the dismay of some of my readers, because I think you deserve it, and I'll happily do it again.


Matticus said...

Sigh. You really find it that hard to believe that I'm doing this because I want to? That it's not possible for people to be nice and generous? You really think I'm doing it for the popularity or traffic hits?

You're sorely mistaken.

I'm not really making money anywhere. I don't have many ads on my blog. The ones I have are just the ones required by my sponsors. I don't make any money or commission at all from page views or clicks. As much as I'd like to, I don't blog personally for profit. So your argument that my guest post offer is done for traffic is flawed.

Marcko's in it for the money. I wanted to go that route once but quickly abandoned it because I didn't feel it was sustainable.

Issy said...

Well Larissa - I think it sounds fun, and I will definitely be checking back tomorrow :)

and if it generates more traffic for both of you.. great ;)People will only keep coming back if they are enjoying what they read :)

Stabs said...

Looking forward to it, I really enjoy Matticus's posts.

I actually got my start in blogging there as a guest poster (under the name of Gothica).

I just thought I'd mention Blog Azeroth. It's an excellent site for WoW bloggers that Matticus has put a lot of effort into and very helpful for anyone starting out.

Carra said...

Santa Matticus comes early this year.

Dracomage said...

I cannot wait to see what the topic is...

I am also a rabbit follower of Matticus's blog. With 4 healing characters, I learn a lot from his and his guests' blog posts.

River said...

I heard about Matticus, but I thought it was for healers...and well I'm not much of a healer..I'm a killer. Actually I think he is also blocked from work...So that was the end of that too. But I'll check him out when I get home.

I think it's very cool, he's doing guest spots. Unlike Gevlon, I think people actually do nice things for the pure simple fact to be nice sometimes.

Stabs said...

"I heard about Matticus, but I thought it was for healers"

Matticus is probably the best writer on WoW raid management in the blogosphere.

His co-hosts and guests write excellently too.

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